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Northeast Nebraska Juvenile Services, Inc. Wellness Strategy


NNJS, Inc. recognizes that youth obesity is at critical levels throughout the United States. Children who are overweight are at a higher risk for developing severe long-term health problems and are affected by psychological stress, discrimination, and low self-esteem. Obesity is largely preventable through a nutritious diet and daily physical activity.


Youth who eat well-balanced meals and eat healthy snacks are more likely to thrive in the classroom. Physical activity has a positive impact on concentration, focus and achievement. NNJS, Inc. supports increased emphasis on nutrition and physical activity for all youth being held in the facility.


NNJS, Inc.  shall:

  1. Provide access to healthy and nutritious meals and snacks for youth and staff

  2. Provide opportunities for physical activity for youth and staff

  3. Provide youth and staff with nutrition education to promote a strong foundation of healthy eating behaviors in a challenging world

  4. Meet with youth and our kitchen staff, education staff and program staff each semester to discuss menus to gain insight from the youth and serve as an Advisory Committee to see what is working in relation to meals and what is not.


2024-2025 School Schedule



Food Service Program

NNJS, Inc. supports the philosophy of the Federal School Lunch and Breakfast Program and shall provide nutritious and wholesome meals for all youth and staff. Meals served at NNJS, Inc. will comply with state law, federal law and Nebraska Jail Standards.


Sufficient time will be allowed for youth to eat meals in areas that are clean, safe, and comfortable. Breakfast is 7:30 to 8:00; Lunch is from 11:30 to 12:15.  NNJS ensures students have access to drinking water during all meal times and during school time in the classrooms.


All menus are set up by licensed dieticians through the Food Service Management Company to meet the requirements set forth with the National School Lunch and Breakfast programs.


Nutrition Education



Nutrition, health and fitness topics shall be integrated within NNJS, Inc’s Education Curriculum and Program time outside of the normal classroom. NNJS, Inc. staff will also receive nutritional education on a monthly basis through take home in-services (top health) or education will be integrated into staff meetings on a regular basis.


Nutrition Standards

NNJS, Inc. will require that healthy food and beverage options be included in the educational program reward system and commissary snack items.

Physical Education and Activity


Physical Education

NNJS, Inc. will promote lifetime physical activity choices and encourage youth and staff to invest themselves in activity-based programs throughout life. Teachers will be encouraged to integrate physical activity into the curriculum when appropriate.


Physical Activity

NNJS, Inc. will provide an environment that promotes safe and enjoyable fitness activities for all youth and staff, including those who cannot or will not participate in competitive sports.   Youth will receive at least one hour of physical exercise per day. 

Staff Wellness


NNJS values the health and well-being of every staff member and will promote healthy life styles through our monthly Top Health in-services and hosting a Biggest Loser contest annually.  NNJS gets support through local service providers such as the YMCA, Starbucks and other willing agencies to provide positive prizes for employee participation.  NNJS will pay for $250 toward the grand prize winner’s fitness center of choice.

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Wellness Promotion & Marketing


All marketing of food and beverages on campus will meet Smart Snack Standards.

Policy Evaluation 


NNJS, Inc. Administration, through evaluation of all staff responsible for nutrition education, nutrition standards and physical education and activity, will ensure that the requirements of this policy are met.


NNJS, Inc. shall establish, maintain and evaluate this Policy annually to stress a proactive stance on the wellness of its youth and staff.


NNJS’s Board of Directors will approve the Wellness Program along with Policy and Procedure changes that occur. Upon Board approval the triennial assessment and policy will be make available to the public via our website.


See the links below to view or download the following policies and documents:




Updated July 2024

1313 1/2 North Main
P.O. Box 50

Madison, NE 68748

402.454.3955   fx: 402.454.2001

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