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Covid‐19: visitation update


Click for Instructions to Set Up a Video Visitation

We will be reviewing our visitation policy every 30 days.



Providing our residents with opportunities to connect in meaningful conversations and interactions with parents is very important.  NNJS operates a behavioral program that allows for varying incentives depending on what level (Level 1, Level 2, Honors Level) the youth is on.  You will see this reflected in the following policies. The following is a list of our visitation, phone, and mail policies.

Visitation Policies 
  • All visitations must be scheduled 24 hours in advance

  • All visitors 18 and older must have a valid photo ID

  • Only two adult visitors at a time per visit

  • Visitors may be subject to basic pat search upon entering the facility

  • All property should be left in your vehicle or a locker located in the lobby along with coats, bags, keys, phones, etc

  • Any letters or notes must be presented to staff to investigate at the beginning of the visitation


Who Can Visit

  • Parent or Legal Guardian (Level 1,2, Honors

  • Sibling (with parent/legal guardian if under 18 years old) (Level 1,2,Honors)

  • Grandparents (Level 1, 2, Honors

  • All approved family members (Level 2, Honors)

  • Spouse (Must present copy of marriage certificate to receive approval)

  • Friend (accompanied by parent/legal guardian) (Honors Level Only)

  • Resident’s biological children – accompanied by parent or legal guardian (Level 1, 2, Honors)

Visitation Times

  • Wednesday-Friday: 6:00 - 7:00 PM & 7:00 - 8:00 PM

  • Saturday-Sunday/Holidays: 10:00 - 11:00 AM, Noon - 1:00 PM, 1:00 - 2:00 PM, 6:00 - 7:00 PM, 7:00 - 8:00 PM

Video Visitation

Friends and family are able to schedule video sessions and send messages with loved ones through the following: 


Connect Via Video


Send a



Instruction Information

Phone Calls

Residents are allowed to make personal phone calls depending on what level they are on.  NNJS has a resident phone system costing requiring the purchase of phone cards for personal phone cards.  Residents also have the opportunity to make collect phone calls from these phones.  Family and friends may send cash or money order to the NNJS resident in the mail or drop off in person at any time or during family visitation.  NNJS only issues phone cards to residents in $10 increments.  Parents may also contact the phone company, Encartele, on their hotline to purchase minutes using a credit or debit card. 

  • Level 1: 2 personal calls per day

  • Level 2: 3 personal calls per day

  • Honors Level: 4 personal calls per day

  • Residents may receive unlimited mail while at NNJS.  Residents may send out a limited amount of letters stamped by NNJS depending on their status in the NNJS behavior program.  All mail incoming and outgoing mail is thoroughly inspected for contraband and names and addresses are documented in the youth’s records

  • Level 1: 2 letters per week

  • Level 2: 3 letters per week

  • Honors Level: 4 letters per week


All contact with individuals (visitation, mail, phone, etc) may be restricted by the resident’s parent/guardian, the court, probation or DHHS at any time.  NNJS will follow these restrictions and hold residents accountable for any violations or attempted violations of imposed restrictions.

1313 1/2 North Main
P.O. Box 50

Madison, NE 68748

402.454.3955   fx: 402.454.2001

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